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Ciara O'Rourke
By Ciara O'Rourke May 7, 2024

Social media posts take satirical words about misgendering pets out of context

If Your Time is short

  • These are the words of a satirical character.

Satire shared out of context often creates confusion. Such was the case with a social media post offered as an example of someone advocating gender sensitivity toward household pets. 

"Misgendering a pet can result in serious microsubconscious distress," read what looked like an X post from someone named Ann Lesby. "Your pet will let you know his/her/their/cir identity through things like body language, toy preferences, and reaction to gendered pet clothing. #PetGender #TransPets"

"#WTFthoughts … " said a May 1 Facebook post sharing a screenshot of the X post.

This Facebook post was flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram.)

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The X bio for @AnnLesbyPhD describes her as a "reinstated head of gender studies" at a university and the "bestselling author of ANTIRACIST FETUS." It also says she’s an "⅛ Black semitrans lesbian who dates men." If that’s not suspect enough, the next line spells it out: "RIP S.A. Tyre."

The bio also links to Lesby’s "author page" on OUTspoken, a website that seeks to amplify the voices silenced or belittled by "left-wing political structures." It’s affiliated with the Log Cabin Republicans, an advocacy group that seeks to make the Republican Party more inclusive on gay and lesbian topics. 

There are three posts there, all labeled as "humor."

We rate claims that these are the authentic words of a university professor Pants on Fire!


Our Sources

Facebook post, May 1, 2024

X post, Oct. 25, 2022

Ann Lesby X page, visited May 6, 2024

OUTspoken, Ann Lesby author page, visited May 6, 2024

OUTspoken, About, visited May 6, 2024


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Social media posts take satirical words about misgendering pets out of context

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