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Bartholomew Sullivan

Scripps Howard News Service Political Coordinator

Bartholomew Sullivan, a native of St. Louis, Mo., has been with The Commercial Appeal for 19 years, including the past eight as its Washington correspondent with the Scripps Howard News Service. A political science graduate of Santa Clara University, in California, he began his professional newspaper career in 1982 with dailies in Pennsylvania and, in 1984, at The Palm Beach Post in Florida. In October 1992, he joined The Commercial Appeal as a regional reporter, ranging for ten years over the mainly rural, tri-state Mid-South, covering murder and mayhem on deadline. He covered both Republican and Democratic national conventions in 2004 and 2008 and is the coordinator of political coverage for SHNS this year. A member of the White House Correspondents Association, Sullivan is responsible for Scripps Howard’s monthly White House pool duty. Married to a high school English teacher, he has two daughters in college. He lives in Virginia.

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